Thursday, June 30, 2011

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  • IQAndreas
    11-10 01:20 PM
    Just found this extension a few seconds ago for those (including me) who haven't mastered gradients or partially alpha'd parts of an image, and who are too cheap to buy Photoshop and instead use

    EDIT: Never mind. It was more limited than it looked. It only allows you to add text, and doesn't separate each element into individual layers.

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  • dressking
    10-09 09:06 PM
    Is it a warning to Americans that they will loose their land if they let more immigrants in?

    Anyway, my guess is that native Americans must have been a lot more friendly to White people when they just came to this land. Hospitality is the nature of people in less advanced society. The more advanced a society is, the less hospitable the people are because people in more advanced society have a stronger sense of ownership.

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  • India_USA
    07-08 09:13 AM
    The author himself chooses to misinterpret the words of the President to suit his line of thinking. I wonder what his speech would have sounded like??

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  • kilubilu46
    11-08 07:18 PM
    Hi All

    Here's my experience. I only have original receipt notice for H1 extension. Local offices in Jersey City and Bayonne wouldn't renew driving license. I went to Trenton. There the supervisor's name is Jewel. She checked their TVR book and that says H1 extension receipt notice is enough for 8 months renewal. She helped me with that and said she would tell their bosses about the local offices.


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  • gchoubey
    05-22 01:40 PM
    I am working on H1b visa and changed job mid of last year. I got my H1B visa and stamping and is valid till September 2010 . Now I changed my job and has another H1b visa and I 94 which is valid till 2012.
    I am going to Canada to get Visa stamped and want to know if I will be allowed to come back to US even if my request gets denied.
    And what will happen to my old visa ?

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  • GTGC
    01-22 01:21 PM
    My employer has been holding back my wages on some excuse or the other. Since I was awaiting my GC, I had no choice but co-operated with them. I got my GC last year in July 2010. I worked with them until September 2010 and due to this payment situation, I have chosen to work elsewhere.Now they promise to pay the back wages from 2010 but the payment never arrives. Repeated followups, emails and calls have yielded the same result. I am not sure what are my options here at this point. I no longer work for that Employer since they never pay on time.

    I will appreciate your input.


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  • vedicman
    04-29 01:52 PM
    My parents will be visiting us here soon, and when they return, we want to see if we can send kids to India (2 and 5yrs). Kids have never been to India, and I would like to know which is a better option and why. Greatly appreciate your advice.

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  • prioritydate_question
    06-16 11:20 AM
    When a particular priority date becomes current in the next month's bulletin,say the July bulletin. Does USCIS start looking at the current cases once the July bulletin is issued or starts looking at them from July 1st.

    Any response is appreciated.



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  • sab
    07-19 05:00 PM
    I am working on OPT and my spouse is filing AOS/EAD/AP. What happens till it is approved? Can I work?

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  • Blog Feeds
    01-04 01:00 PM (

    The US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has issued guidance for people traveling after the attempted bombing of a plane on Christmas Day. TSA stresses that security measures are not the same in every airport, and this is deliberate so that people cannot anticipate how they will be screened. Details of the TSA guidance is here. (

    Photo thanks to

    More... (


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  • Domino
    11-03 02:14 AM
    If one has EB1 (Extraordinary Ability) Pending, is one allowed to stay in the US until the case is decided? I know it may takes at least an year for the final approval...

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  • Blog Feeds
    11-02 10:20 AM
    This story really makes me happy. I just wrapped up a dozen years of service on the board of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, the organization that helped my family and my wife's family immigrate to the US. Sergey Brin, the founder of Google, was a more recent beneficiary of the good work of HIAS and I've honored him as well as an Immigrant of the Day. Sergey's mom Eugenia is a lovely woman who is a HIAS board member with whom I've had the honor of getting to serve on committees. Recently, the Brins donated $1,000,000 to help HIAS...

    More... (


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  • anindya1234
    07-02 06:52 AM
    For item 16 what should be the CFR code: is it (c)(9) or (c)(0)(9), since there are 3 parentheses...please help!!!!

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  • sanju_dba
    03-10 02:39 PM
    isnt that all GC process related expenses should be paid by the employer's / attorney's account?


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  • Becks
    03-09 04:24 PM
    All the while we saw people talk about new job matching LC job and not H1 (LCA) job. But it would be nice and safe if you have similar job on LC,LCA, new AC21 job. But mainly the job in LC should be considered as per my knowledge.

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  • sands_14
    06-19 07:02 AM
    Is H1 dual intent visa then?
    If yes, can a person get h1b stamping even if I485 filed?


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  • Blog Feeds
    06-15 11:50 PM
    The New York Times recently ran a profile piece on radio show host Filemon Lopez who broadcasts in native languages from a station in Fresno, California to poor Mixtec Indians from Mexico working in agriculture in central California. Lopez, a beneficiary of the 1986 legalization program, has been in the US for 30 years. He brings a little piece of home to immigrants performing backbreaking work to put food on our tables.

    More... (

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  • wandmaker
    10-03 03:11 AM
    LCA for people who work from home

    I work from home and one week a month i go to my consulting company office
    I live in Texas and company is in NJ .
    my question is should the lca be filed from nj where the company is
    or should it be filed from Tx where I live and work from home

    Thanks in Advance

    both locations, one as primary and other as secondary work location.

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  • Macaca
    11-14 09:30 PM
    Congress Needs Both Comity and Accomplishments (,filter.all/pub_detail.asp) By Norman J. Ornstein | Roll Call, November 14, 2007

    A look at the range of public opinion surveys on Congress in recent days, weeks and months can't leave anybody happy. The most recent Associated Press-Ipsos survey showed a 25 percent approval rating, coupled with a staggering 70 percent disapproval--a 45 percent gap in the wrong direction. The most recent NBC-Wall Street Journal survey showed 19 percent approval and 68 percent disapproval, for a 49 percent gap.

    Democrats are taking comfort from the fact that much of the anger and disappointment people feel is aimed at Republicans. It should be scant comfort. To be sure, a recent ABC-Washington Post poll showed Republicans at 32 percent approval and 63 percent disapproval. But Democrats are not exactly exempt from public disgust; the same survey showed only 36 percent approval for them, with 58 percent disapproval. If Democrats think they can count on the unhappiness with President Bush and the residue of repugnance with the performance in Washington when the Republicans controlled all the levers of power, they are delusional. There is clearly a broader public anger about the performance of most institutions, but especially those in Washington, and it could very, very easily turn into a broader and deeper reaction against the status quo and all incumbents.

    Dig a bit deeper, and it is obvious that voters are tired of the partisan bickering and ideologically driven rancor--they want problems solved in Washington, not yelling or posturing or revenge killing that only results in gridlock. The latter is what they see coming out of Congress.

    Of course, this is not entirely fair. The 110th Congress has some significant accomplishments, including implementing the 9/11 commission recommendations, increasing the minimum wage, expanding college aid, implementing "pay-as-you-go" budgeting and working hard to make it a reality, and passing significant lobbying and ethics reform. But many other things have passed the House and foundered in the Senate, or been stopped, like children's health insurance, by a presidential veto. And, of course, Congress has spent countless hours trying futilely to do something to change course in Iraq.

    Just as important, the image of Congress is far more that of a dysfunctional body riven with partisanship than a well-oiled, or even marginally oiled machine working hard to help the country and its people with their daily challenges. On this front, the blame is widespread, going both to an irresponsible minority and an insensitive majority.

    But the onus is especially heavy on the majority. It is the majority, especially in the House, that has the power to shape debate and either to open up or shut down the process to ideas, amendments and involvement by rank-and-file Members in both parties. It is the majority that has to rise above the cheap shots, irresponsible motions to recommit and outrageous rhetoric, both to serve the larger interests of the House and to serve their own partisan interests in maintaining a majority.

    The attitude of some Democrats, including some in the leadership, is eerily reminiscent of the Republican leaders in 2005 and 2006--voters don't really care about the internal dynamics of Congress, and even if they are unhappy, our fundraising advantages and strong candidate recruitment will keep us in charge. That is a formula for repeat disaster. Even if Democrats can continue to maintain a thin edge over Republicans in the approval/disapproval ratio, keep up their funding advantage and gain leverage from the retirements of many Republican moderates in contestable districts, their ability to hold a majority beyond 2008 will be severely limited.

    The first thing Democrats should do is develop a basic sensitivity and avoid doing stupid things that gain nothing except additional enmity from their counterparts. A good example was the utterly foolish decision to schedule a revote on SCHIP when many Republicans from California were back home tending to their constituents in the midst of the disastrous fires. There was no good reason for pushing that vote instead of delaying it until Members could be back to participate. It reminded me again of the high-handed and insensitive behavior of Republicans in the 109th Congress, when they would quash debate or screw the Democrats for no good reason other than that they had the power to do so.

    The second thing Democrats should do is to accept the possibility of defeat on the floor as something short of a disaster. The biggest failing of the GOP in the 109th was an unwillingness to lose no matter what. Of course, you don't want to lose, and can't afford to lose on some basic important issues and priorities. But in other cases, amendments can be constructive or no great disaster (and in some cases, amendments the majority doesn't like can be allowed to pass and jettisoned in conference).

    The third thing Democrats should do is to move aggressively to more debate, and not only between Democrats and Republicans. Now is a perfect time to revive the idea of regular prime-time debates on important issues. Take one evening a week, in special orders, and structure a lively debate on something of concern to the country. Have two or four Members lead the way in debate, and follow with a free-for-all discussion. In some cases, say global warming or trade, have both majority and minority Members on each side. Add to that a regular process of having real debate on bills that reach the floor whenever possible.

    Now a fourth suggestion: It is possible that Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Minority Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), who are legislators, would react to a new Democratic attitude and approach with their own constructive responses. But it also is possible that they, egged on by their own bomb-throwers, would just try to take advantage of any new opening for greater partisan leverage. So Democratic leaders should also open up serious lines of communication with the retiring Republicans such as Reps. David Hobson (Ohio), Ray LaHood (Ill.) and Deborah Pryce (Ohio). Make a deal: We will bend over backward to accept your amendments and the nonfrivolous or nongotcha ones by your colleagues, and to be more fair and open, if you offer such amendments and encourage others, and if you object to irresponsible motions to recommit. The retirees have one last opportunity to make a difference in the way the House operates and in helping to solve the nation's problems. It is a long shot, but it just might work.

    10-16 12:13 PM
    Are we so lazy that we do not care forr ourselves?
    Don't we have confidence in ourrselves?
    Can we not achieve results???

    Come on folks buck up. Get active on IV, join your State chapters and get going .........

    Everyone here must get fired up

    March 2nd, 2005, 04:07 PM
    only twice

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