Monday, June 20, 2011

graffiti letters alphabet

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  • Graffiti Alphabet Letter A

  • somegchuh
    01-03 04:11 PM
    I think you bring up very valid points. For a lot of ppl who have stayed away from family/extended family for so long, they may not like the constant interference.

    "I miss my parents" is not quantifiable but what about the paying back the debt by supporting your aging parents? Let me make the question a little broader, isn't every immigrant divided between doing what's best for the children and supporting the parents?

    for some it is money, for others it is about taking care of parents etc.

    for me it is all about where I would like to live, grow and bring up my child. to me the answer is very clear. while this country is not perfect, no country on this planet is. if a human makes an objective list based on quantifiable pros and cons, the decision is very easy to make.

    as for stuff like "I miss my parents" that is not quantifiable and should never figure in the discussion. what is the guarantee that you can return to your home country and live in the same city as you parents do? what happens if your kids don't want the grandparents to interfere in their lives? what happens if you cannot take constant interference from friends and extended family?

    my reasons may come across as cold and calculating. however, it is an inhospitable world we live in and it is up to us to provide the best possible cocoon for our immediate family and that is exactly what I intend to do.

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  • 3D Graffiti Alphabet Letters

  • needhelp!
    09-11 12:57 PM
    1, mamthavijai, theMan, lccleared, GC2015

    graffiti letters alphabet. graffiti alphabet letters a-z
  • graffiti alphabet letters a-z

  • satyasaich
    03-08 09:50 AM
    I'm listening now and discussion is interesting

    One needs Realplayer to listen to the hearings. But even then I only get a high pitched sound.

    2011 3D Graffiti Alphabet Letters graffiti letters alphabet. graffiti letters alphabet.
  • graffiti letters alphabet.

  • ronhira
    07-06 02:04 AM
    lahiribaba - you are my hero. this is the best idea yaar :D

    Instead of hiring a full time lobbyist why dont we hire a full time manager who will contact IV members and drive funding drives , organize campaigns , send and spam USCIS with emails flowers and faxes and keep it moving. Heck may be we can even offshore and outsource it. Take a look at YourManInIndia ( . At 7$ per hour this wont take much. Lets take the help of our brothers and sisters in Inda to get GC .. let them help us while we help them..


    But we're never gonna survive, unless...
    We get a little crazy
    No we're never gonna survive, unless...
    We are a little...

    ~~~~~~~ Seal ~~~~~~~~~~


    graffiti letters alphabet. Graffiti Alphabet : Letters
  • Graffiti Alphabet : Letters

  • webm
    08-14 03:57 PM
    EB3 guys - Just hang on ! Good news are on your way !

    What can we expect?? any source you got??


    graffiti letters alphabet. graffiti-alphabet-bubble-9
  • graffiti-alphabet-bubble-9

  • gc28262
    08-11 05:17 PM
    I do not buy this argument because how come NSC is approving peoples I-140 filed concurrently in July-Aug 2007 or even non-concurrently filed as late as Oct 2007? How come Eb2 is moving so fast in NSC ?
    Let me know what you think !

    I remember some one posting on the forum few months ago that USCIS is not processing EB3 applications ( they were processing EB2 only).

    The poster got the same reply after contacting USCIS through senator/congressman.

    No wonder there is such a backlog of EB3 I-140s !


    graffiti letters alphabet. graffiti letters alphabet.
  • graffiti letters alphabet.

  • gc_bulgaria
    01-05 11:33 PM
    Yes, it is fair, this fairness has come after many centuries of oppression, in fact this fairness was long overdue.
    Now if we want to disagree with each other we can do it by sending private messages instead of indulging in mudslinging and degrading India even more.

    �I can tell you for a fact that Universities in America are much better than those in India. This is why I came here �.� Now whom are you trying to fool?.. You came here because with your IQ you could not get into top universities in India. �I went to an average university here which I could afford� .You are telling us that you could not afford education in India but you could here?...

    Couldn't agree more - especially about paying for ANY college here vs. in India.

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  • graffiti letters t. graffiti

  • kumhyd2
    07-26 09:23 AM
    SoCal Chapter members will be having their meeting at Artesia / Poineer Blvd about 30 miles south from LA on July 28th at 3p.m. Members in this region are encouraged to attend the meeting. The meeting address is

    Woodlands Restaurant
    11833 Artesia Boulevard
    Artesia, CA 90701

    If you have questions or wish to join the yahoo group please visit

    or send blank e-mail to

    Core Team: Can you help set up the conference call for this meeting so that those who cannot make it attend the conference call atleast.


    graffiti letters alphabet. GRAFFITI LETTER ALPHABET

  • swede
    06-30 09:40 AM
    Got my LC approved June 05 2006.
    Took only (!) 4 years from first application...

    DOL recevied: Dec 5, 2002.
    Got my 45 day letter in Feb 2005.
    Filed in Philly DOL.
    3 others from the same company got theirs LC approved 2.5 years ago and 2 of them have their green card since a year ago. And Im the only one with a US masters degree. Great system...

    hair graffiti letters alphabet. graffiti letters alphabet. tag-graffiti-alphabet-text
  • tag-graffiti-alphabet-text

  • ita
    08-25 10:01 PM
    Thank you very much for the suggestions.Once the elections are done next year do you think rates will go down..I'm actually thinking about Hyd.Have been waiting so long but rates are only going up.

    Is it possible to apply for loan with SBI/LIC from here (US)?

    Thank you.


    graffiti letters alphabet. graffiti letters alphabet r.
  • graffiti letters alphabet r.

  • pappu
    10-02 07:37 PM
    IV was able to get an op-ed published today

    by Pankaj Kakkar.
    We have an opportunity to get more op-eds published. If other members would like to write op-eds they can submit on this forum and PM me their contact details.

    hot Graffiti Alphabet : Letters graffiti letters alphabet. GRAFFITI LETTER ALPHABET

  • spicy_guy
    11-08 08:43 PM
    No, this is only the processing time for labor application, the whole process took a lot longer than this. I first submitted my document to the lawyer in the last week of January this year. Lawyer prepared my case, wages approval etc. it took around 1+ month to get preventing wages. then advertisement, recruitment process etc.
    almost 8 month to finish all the requirements before the company could actually file the labor application.

    I hope this answers your question.

    Thanks for the reply. 8 or 10 months. Its still worth it. You did the right thing. Congrats and good luck!


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  • Digital Graffiti Letter H

  • skillet
    06-22 11:27 AM
    I am still hopeful that they will start processing quickly.. If not as everyone indicated take a chill pill!!!:)

    tattoo graffiti-alphabet-bubble-9 graffiti letters alphabet. GRAFFITI LETTERS ALPHABET

  • san1007
    12-26 10:48 PM
    I filed the AP on July 25 and receipt date is Aug 26. Still didn't get the AP. Few of my friends applied after me got AP already. Don't know what is going on


    pictures graffiti letters alphabet. graffiti letters alphabet. Graffiti Alphabet Letters A-Z
  • Graffiti Alphabet Letters A-Z

  • amitjoey
    07-18 04:29 PM
    I do agree , but I do not see any $20 contribution in google checkout or paypal.We have to mail the checks.I guess we can get more donations if we include $25,$50,$75 contributions in google checkout as well as paypal.Correct me If I am missing some thing.

    This has been discussed before, People can send in checks of whatever denomination or pay it thru their banks - Set it up as automatic payment every month if they like. (for smaller denominations).
    $50 monthly is minimum. In any case, is $50 a big amount? for such a cause?

    dresses GRAFFITI LETTER ALPHABET graffiti letters alphabet. Alphabet Graffiti
  • Alphabet Graffiti

  • ArkBird
    09-01 03:27 PM
    - Came to US in 1997.
    - Had Labor + 140 approved in Dec, 99.
    - tricked and lured by start-up in silicon valley. Abandoned everything and came to California in Jan, 2000 made the deadly mistake of not taking the copy of approved I-140 (I still slap myself every morning for that mistake ;) )
    - Found out they have only one customer
    - Founder wasted own 20 Million dollars but never increased the tally for the customer from 1
    - "Startup" went under in 2002.
    - Joined new company (the only customer of start-up) and filed labor in March, 2003 and enjoying every minute of it... :)




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  • graffiti letters alphabet.

  • pcs
    07-05 03:13 PM
    Keep it up !!!!!!!!

    girlfriend GRAFFITI LETTERS ALPHABET graffiti letters alphabet. graffiti letters alphabet.
  • graffiti letters alphabet.

  • rdoib
    07-23 10:33 PM
    it is like a lottery..ya it is..noone knows whats comes out out of the matrix...:)

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  • Alphabet in Bubble Graffiti

  • Winner
    05-03 02:34 PM
    Can the members in Texas and others call on Sen. Cornyn's office and ask him to support the bill. I just called their office, and the staff says that he has no statement from the senator, and therefore has no position as of yet. I asked him about the above report, and all he offered was "no comments"

    Hope IV members step up their efforts in calling the list of Senators and post their feedback on this forum. We can learn from each others feedback and bring more pressure on these legislators.

    Not sure why they are so inconsistent, I called Sen. Cornyn's office an hour ago and spoke to one of his staff members, they told me Senator does not support the bill because of the issues he has will parts of the bill which provides undocumented works a path to citizenship, but we had a good a good conversation about the legal immigrants issues and potential solutions in the bill. She promised to convey my message to the senator.

    07-18 03:38 PM
    What does it say on your I485 receipt notice?
    For example.. my app was mailed on 5/31 and RD on receipt notice is 6/4 and Notice date is 6/6 and Online case status says received on 6/5. I assume 6/5 is when USCIS created an entry for my case and 6/6 (my checks were also cashed on 6/6) is when receipt notice is actually generated. Some one correct me if I am wrong.

    My application was sent on June, 14th and delivered on June 15th (I have the FedEx tracking info and signature page confirming 6/15).

    The case status online based on receipt number (obtained by calling them a few times until I got lucky) says:
    "On July 11, 2007, we received this I485 APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUS, and mailed you a notice describing how we will process your case."

    Not sure if the online status is referring to the receipt date or the notice date when it says "On July 11, 2007, we received" when, in fact, they received it on June 15th!!


    08-13 05:05 PM
    Getting HR 5882 / S 3414 (recapture bills) through congress is the only hope for EB3's.

    Changing the spillover will not help EBI because in both the spillover interpretations EB3I is the last in the chain. The only reason EB3I benefited from earlier spillover interpretations was because there weren't any ripe EB2-I cases available and it spilled over to EB3I. Reverting to the old spillover interpretation will not benefit EBI but sure it will benefit EB3-ROW.

    Let us focus on getting the recapture bills through. Call u'r congressman/senator and start pushing for the recapture bill. EB3I has been benefited until now because of the AC21 recapture. Now it is time for another recapture.

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