Monday, June 27, 2011

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  • qplearn
    11-16 12:35 PM
    Good job, Jimi!!

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  • mirage
    04-01 07:11 AM
    You are exactly getting down to the problem, we need to ask the government we are paying high fees but where's the service ???

    That's exactly the point..USCIS is HEADED by fools...the problem lies within...the heads dont really care if their staff is underpaid and over-worked..but the fact of it is that they just don't have the money nor manpower to get the work done. When USCIS adjudicated all those cases in 2002, it was not of their own volition but because Congress mandated it..6 years later they dont care for the immigrants..u think they'd (policy makers) care 2 hoots for the the USCIS officers...just take a look at the Infopass centers...from my experience I havent seen more than 2 officers helping customers at a manpower

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  • Gravitation
    12-05 03:40 PM
    I'm getting MBA from Babson College in MA (top25). The total cost is $60K in just tuition. My employer pays appx. half of it.

    It's a huge investment of not just money but time as well. You have no life for three years.

    It's very rewarding to learn so many different subjects: Economy, Marketing, Accounting, Law, Leadership, Finance, Technology management, Organizational Behavior. I reach classes tired but come out fresh. It really broadens one's thinking.

    I got my B. Tech. from India. It's great to have American Classroom experience.

    Great Networking.

    I still have 30 years of professional life ahead of me to use knowledge/expertise gained from MBA. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything.

    Due to demographic shift in US, large shortage of middle-management is expected in coming decades. MBA can provide a real leg-up in career advancement.

    At the same time... I can totally see when some people just go through the motions to get their MBA and do nothing with it. Don't approach it like just a degree. If you are committed to learning new skills, using them and improving yourself just a little everyday... Go for MBA.

    Also, don't expect big bucks immediately following MBA. Class knowledge , combined with some experience afterwards will actually provide super returns. Most of the studies that look at salary increment right after MBA will come up with -v e RoI.

    In a nutshell, there are many factors to consider in a decision about getting an MBA degree; tuition expense is not the biggest one. If you have any desire to get MBA, don't let others dissuade you.

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  • CaliHoneB
    03-05 05:44 PM
    I don't have any LUDs on mine even though I opened an SR and requested infopass appointment for my delayed EAD


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  • rameshk75
    01-09 03:00 PM
    The status of AP seems to be changing practically everyday. The message (document mailed) first appeared on Jan 7, Then changed to Jan 8 with same message and today I see a date change in my portfolio (last updated section). Not sure when the document will actually get mailed...

    Even i had two LUD's on 6th and 7th !! Don't know what is that !!

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  • Libra
    09-10 04:50 PM
    thank you meandmygc please post your info on this thread someone will contact you. thanks.


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  • ArkBird
    09-04 05:09 PM
    You are 100% right but no one thought their Labor/GC pain will last THIS long. The most unfortunate/unlucky part in this whole journey was 245(i) amnesty in 2001. This is a tsunami which choked the labor pipe (Remember the good old days of Backlog Reduction Center and quest for that elusive screen shot from the BRC for case? :) ) & imbalanced the demand/supply equilibrium for EB3. This is the reason the variable of priority date became constant and stuck to 2001..

    I think there is more smartness needed than luck in the greencard process. If you look at the posts in this thread there are some people that came to USA in 1990s and still waiting, while some that came much later are on their way to citizenship. Some got the EB2 route and are happy and some in EB3 have only gloom before them.

    This in my opinion has helped smart folks among us:

    - They applied for GC as soon as possible. Those who waited did not give importance to Greencard as soon as they started a job in USA are now paying for their mistakes. During the initial days of career I have seen people saying that GC is not important to them etc but when their H1B is about to expire they panic and get desperate for Green Card.

    - Before pre-PERM era in 2005, smart folks took up jobs in states where labor certification had no backlog. They are now either waiting for citizenship or already citizens. On the other hand people in states like CA, NY etc suffered due to labor backlogs and far from getting greencard in hand.

    - Any company can be good or bad for an individual. It it not a question of consulting vs fortune 500 or small vs big size of a company. Smart folks know what matters them the most when they join a company. When company sees them as a valuable asset, it applies for them. I have seen where company applied for GC as soon as the employee joined it. And I have seen posts where people had to wait for several years before company applied.

    - People who took advantage of the Labor substitution got faster labors. Some could take advantage of EB2 labors and they are very fortunate. This is in no way endorsing the labor substitution rule, but in pre 2007 times nobody was protesting against it. This is a sad reality.

    - Smart folks took the risk and changed jobs wth EB2 job requirements, so that they can file in EB2. Such folks with 2007 PD are happy today and people with 2003 PDs in EB3 will have to wait for a long time.

    - If you read posts on this thread, many people have posted that they feel they are being screwed by their employer or lawyer. But hardly anyone has said they took any action against it. This is also a sad reality where we as a community have failed and will continue to suffer.

    - Many folks have said that they thought they were in EB2. But found they are in EB3. This shows another weakness of our community and lack of awareness. IV forum tries to spread the awareness but unless an individual takes initiative, they will suffer.

    Many people were able to file I485 in July 2007 due to IV effort. Imagine a 2004 EB3 India person without EAD today? How will he survive a job loss on H1B in a bad economy? We should take a lesson from that event and try for another big push. There is no other shortcut for us. It is shocking to find people on this thread that are in this country for more than 10 years and without a green card. These folks should be the most vocal folks in this effort.


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  • Photo: Lady Gaga Tattoos

  • she81
    08-13 04:48 PM
    I am exactly in the same situation. Sometimes I feel that I should just dump the EB3 application (PD: 12/04) and start a brand new EB2. Maybe the EB2 PD of say 12/08 will end up to be better than EB3 12/04.

    I believe everyone is thinking in the same direction... but if and only if we're able to come out of the blackhole called I-140.


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  • JazzByTheBay
    09-29 07:43 AM
    Except, Franklin is not from a retrogressed country.... :)


    But I think franklin posted earlier that she got her GC when the priority dates are not current. And shows about 5 EB3s from India got approvals during September whos PDs are on or after 2003.Do you think USCIS might have requested the visa number for their cases when their PD was current?

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  • amitjoey
    05-13 09:45 AM
    2 more days. Please call. those who have not please help.


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  • Macaca
    01-06 11:18 AM
    Vivek Wadhwa Bio (

    Vivek Wadhwa is an Executive in Residence/Adjunct Professor for the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University and a Wertheim Fellow at the Labor and Worklife Program at the Harvard Law School.

    He is also a technology entrepreneur and a columnist for Wadhwa was named a "Leader of Tomorrow" by, and his company Relativity Technologies was named as one of the 25 "coolest" companies in the world by Fortune Magazine.

    Mr. Wadhwa holds a B.A. in Computing Studies from the Canberra University in Australia and an MBA from New York University.

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  • sanju
    07-24 10:38 AM
    This is so out of whack. Employment based green card issue is not about India or Indians. Our issue is about America and us i.e. highly skilled people from all countries waiting for their green cards. STOP BRANDING EMPLOYMENT BASED GREEN CARD AS "INDIA ISSUE". Such an attitude doesn't help at all and it is a big turn-off for people from other countries. Let’s be mature about solutions to the issue.

    Also, people who give money to campaigns - Hillary, Obama or any other candidates, they are not giving the money to change any policy for getting green cards sooner for employment based categories. Our issue is not even on the radar screen of most "ethnic communities". And problem gets worst when news media, people like Lou Dobbs try to misguide the general public with their hate mongering propaganda - again with the objective to increase the value of his own stock. Often times Lou Dobbs will try to make it all look like "conspiracy theory" being hatched against American middle class - just to get their attention. For example Lou says that people from Indian American community are contributing to Hillary to promote outsourcing????? Hello!!!! Who is in the world is idiot enough NOT to believe that increased outsourcing affects everybody in US, including Indian-Americans. Sometimes news media will call Hillary as senator from the state of Punjab and other similar bull shit but catchy news items. And it is ok if majority of the middle-class Americans shake their heads in disbelief (because they are ignorant about the facts), as if a massive conspiracy theory is being hatched against the middle class. But people who have any common sense have the responsibility to think rationally and filter "real news" from news intended to increase ratings of a news shows/channels.

    Also, the idiots who give campaign funds do so to buy proximity to power to increase their own profile. People who give money to campaigns are SICK and corrupt. These people are simply taking pictures with the candidate or a politician (not a lawmaker - there is a difference) to increase the value of their own stock. Too often this forum has mentioned the name of Chatwal being close to Clintons. Guys, lets face it, Chatwal is doing excellent marketing for himself. I don't think he is as close as he projects and as most people think he is. The way system works, anybody who is ready to give $1000 for a campaign can get their pictures with the "POLITICIAN", especially during campaign season. And these photo-ops freaks do not care about anybody other than them self. Therefore, the so called "indian lobby" exist only in the imagination of people who read news articles that are written by paid journalists.

    About Cornyn amendment, this was clearly a party line vote. It had nothing to do with the position of a Senator on the issue. Did you notice that Sen. Grassley voted in favor of the SKIL bill? Anybody knows why???? As most people here may already know, Sen. worked overtime to derail the CIR. Because of that, leaders of the Democratic party in the Senate are upset with him on immigration issue. And thus, most democrats voted to oppose Cornyn’s proposal. That is how things work in the Senate – which is no different than the way things work at the any other workplace. Vote on Cornyn amendment had nothing to do with the stand of a Senator on an issue.

    So, it is ok if Conryn amendment did not go through – “this time”. There will be more opportunities in the future. The thing is, Democratic Senators like Cantwell need to lead in pushing EB provisions. That may help to easy out the partisan vote on such proposals in the future.

    Just my take on the situation.

    NY/NJ/CT/MA Members -

    Please write to Sen.HILARY CLINTON expressing your dissatisfaction or concern with regard to failure of Sen.Cornyn Amendment. It's critical that we as Indians get her opinion on this issue. She voted NO on this amendment DESPITE the indian lobby contributing to her campaign. Also its likely that she might become our next president.

    Obviously, Sen.Obama does not care much for Indians!


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  • pappu
    07-18 07:48 PM
    Defense bill pulled after troop drawdawn measure fails

    Immigration Amendments on War Bill Fall by Wayside
    Do not worry. We are going to explore each and every small window of opportunity to get any or some provisions in as situation allows. What is most important for us is to not lose momentum and focus. EAD is just a temporary relief. People are now going to be stuck in EAD stage and dates will move slowly. Each year people will have to renew EADs. We need a fix to the problem and end retrogression.

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  • dhesha
    02-25 05:14 PM
    Yes and then they should process in LIFO order so people like you can get their GCs :p :rolleyes:

    What do you mean they should???? Are they not already doing so?


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  • eb3_nepa
    07-14 01:30 PM
    Conf Number: 7YB0F-K01XZ

    Thanks kevinkris

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  • yoyo12
    07-28 09:39 PM
    Hi everybody,

    I want to know if somebody knows what is going on with Atlanta perm lab center?I applied in Feb 2007 for perm labor and I checked my staus online almost every day.In jUNE 2007 IT SAID ''CERTIFIED''.My lawyer was waiting for the paper in mail..I checked again the status in July 2007and it said ''In progress''.Can somebody explain for me why is like that? What advice do you give me?

    Thank you very much....


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  • ragz4u
    03-09 12:06 PM
    They have already moved to Title 3 of the markup really quickly (and I mean REALLY QUICKLY). Hopefully they will move past Title 3 soon too and get onto Title 4 and 5 hopefully on Wed.

    As always, if work doesn't hurt us too bad, we'll post updates here

    Hope this helps

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  • dval_dpal
    12-11 08:03 PM
    i have seen so many people got approved from wells fargo on 485 pending stage???
    i'm in same problem if somebody can light on this.....

    Is 485 application notice and Ead plus I 140 will be enought for Refinance from well fargo?

    i have current mortgage with well fargo and i'm trying to do refinance after 4 years with good credit history with no payment missed in last 4 years.

    any help would be really helpful to talk with wells fargo

    thank you

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  • trailblazer
    07-21 03:45 PM
    Joined IV recently. i am in Ventura county

    09-10 11:53 AM
    They most of the approvals are of US Master degree and above as it is straight fwd EB2 no need to verify skill set etc..

    My wife and I, we both have MS from US unversities....I think that's straight forward!!! But still waiting....:(

    02-25 11:07 AM

    Put your hand on your heart and say ALLL IZZZZ WELLLL!!!!!!!

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