Thursday, June 23, 2011

come at me bro

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  • kinvin
    03-09 10:07 AM
    Thank You indio0617 for the upto the minute responses.

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  • nyte_crawler
    04-26 12:38 PM
    You have been calling H1 PD will be fair for some time now. I dont think it is. It is infact unfair for those who have the intention to immigrate. (Sorry to say this time and time again)
    Let's say,
    Person A comes in Jan 1999, works for several companies and infact jumped around for higher pay and better prospects and just before the 6th year is finished he/she applies for the GC process.
    Person B comes in Dec 1999, works for a year and decides to settle and applies for the GC process and get stuck with the employer.

    According to your argument, who gets a better deal, Person A. But is it fair. Absolutely Not. Lets say you walk into a grocery store, but want to stand infront of the queue in the check-out line just because you entered in the grocery store first does not makes sense. :)

    Learning01, thanks for hijacking the topic to SS and Medicare. :)

    I dont expect the wait to be any less longer .. But I would surely welcome priority date being based on H1 start date as it would be more fair method

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  • JunRN
    10-03 11:18 PM
    I do not believe the 800,000 figure for I-485 alone. It could be a misquote from Aytes. The 800,000 is possibly combination of all immigration related applications such as I-140, 485, 131, 765, etc.

    Even during last year when EBs are current, it didn't reach that many applications. I believe Matthew OH is more accurate in saying there's a total of 320,000 I-485 applications.

    With that figure, average 2.5 years waiting is in order. But that should not be distributed equally among all countries due to per country limit. I would guess, for India and China, it would be 3 years wait, and for the rest, 2 years.

    2011 Search: Come come at me bro. Search: Come
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  • ItIsNotFunny
    10-24 05:12 PM

    I have sent out the email and couple of my friends will also do the same. Good intiative, much appreciated.

    Thanks wandmaker for appreciation. It helps!

    I got quite a few positive responses. On other side I got few negative messages, few pessimitics and few red dots on posts after I started this exercise. Sometimes it still bothers me but I guess I need to get out of this critics and appreciations and want to concentrate 100% on agenda: Fight against injustice in AC21 implementation.

    To all,

    If you appreciate me, please help me by motivating others to join the movement.

    If you don't like me - please be generous and atleast tell me what should be done rather than just criticizing.


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  • GayatriS
    01-05 08:50 PM
    He is saying what is the truth. Do you believe that Indian universities are as good as American? If so, why do we come here?

    Listen to what he says about how India is racing ahead despite all the problems with education. I was disgusted with the quotas and poor education in India.

    Learn to deal with the truth whether you are Indian or American!!

    ya just because u need green card, you agree with professor sahib. once u get ur green card u will also talk bad about india and indian workers.. i think gone r days when it was a cheap labor.. do u think our education systems/colleges IIT's/REC's are crap.
    just because he favored GC applicant you should not agree..he straightway projected india as third world nation in eductaion, resource quality etc ..

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  • pbojja
    09-11 09:40 PM
    Sent the book...See changes in the original msg.


    The Honorable Emilio T. Gonzalez (Director)
    U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service
    20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
    Washington, D.C. 20529
    My Message:
    Hon. Mr. Gonzalez,
    I would like to register my protest with you for not following an orderly method when approving I-485 applications. In the last two months, while the priority dates were current for several applicants from India in the EB2 category, most applications with later priority dates and later receipt dates were approved by USICS, causing deep concern and grief among those waiting patiently in the line before them.
    This significantly reduces our confidence in the system. Thus, I am sending you this letter with a book as a symbol of protest and with the hope that USCIS will deal fairly with all the applicants as per the rules and regulations.
    My Name
    Note: On Amazon you must select gift option to add the message. No need to wrap it.

    Absolutely , Do you have the address and responsible person for DOL,NSC,TSC? I just want to modify the letter and want to seek each ones responsibilty.

    Lets get together folks and try to get some answers from DOL and USCIS , dont sit back and relax ..Its for every one ...lets get some thing kicked off

    Stop Worrying ...Stop Talking ...Start Doing ...

    Some may be worried to reveal identity ordering online ..lets buy 14 math books from local book store(or dollar store) and send 5 books to USCIS , 5 to DOL , 2 to TSC , 2 to NSC with name " GC aspirant from India or China" ...what do you guys think ? shall we kick this off this week end with differnt message to each one of them involved ?


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  • uma001
    05-19 09:59 AM
    This is the reply I got form Nevada Senator

    Thank you for contacting me regarding immigration reform. I value the opinions of every Nevadan and am grateful to those who take the time to inform me of their views.

    America is a nation of immigrants but also a nation of laws. The national security of the United States depends on an immigration policy that first and foremost secures our borders. Our immigration policy also must demand accountability from those who hire illegal workers by creating a national employee verification system that employers would be required to use to verify the legal status of their employees and imposing severe penalties for employers who hire illegal workers. We should welcome those who want to enter the country legally, learn English, maintain employment, pay taxes, and contribute to our communities. We should not have to accept those who are not working full time; who have committed a crime or may present a danger to American citizens or legal immigrants; or who go on, or are likely to go on, public assistance or become dependent on any other government program.

    I think we can all agree that our current immigration system is broken and that our schools, hospitals, and law enforcement are bearing the weight of its failures. Our prison system is overcrowded, and costs incurred from incarcerating criminal aliens continue to rise. The Department of Justice estimates that one in five federal prisoners, and more than one in ten state prisoners in Nevada, are non-U.S. citizens. That is why I support the Department of Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement initiatives that give state and local law enforcement the necessary tools to stem illegal behavior, such as the expansion of the Rapid Removal of Eligible Parolees Accepted for Transfer (REPAT) program. The REPAT program paroles non-violent criminal aliens serving state sentences so they can be deported. In Nevada, 2,560 criminal aliens were flagged for removal in Fiscal Year 2008 and 2,183 in Fiscal Year 2009. Reform is necessary and should be in America's best interests and not encourage additional illegal behavior.

    Once again, thank you for contacting me on this very important issue. If you should have any further questions or comments or would like to sign up for my monthly newsletter, please feel free to write or e-mail me via my website at John Ensign, United States Senator of Nevada: Home (



    United States Senator


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  • lj_rr
    08-26 01:35 PM
    Better to avoid ICICI. Nationalized banks are better.


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  • Green.Tech
    06-10 08:39 PM
    ..on top!

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  • lg72
    07-24 10:18 PM
    fairboy and friends,

    Could you please tell me how to check an ad on the AJE website? Can I check the ad for my case using my case number? My case is stuck in DBEC.

    Thanks for your help.


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  • arihant
    03-13 12:31 PM
    Looking through the ammendments, one that stuck out was about the drunk driving conviction. The ammendment makes it a deportable crime. Well, not that we would ever be stupid enough to drink and drive. But, if you do, and you get caught, be aware of the serious implications it may have.

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  • reddymjm
    06-10 08:08 AM
    I hope in the visa statistics for the year 2008 they don't come up with a report saying that 20,000 visas were lost as they were unused :D.

    it will be NO wonder even if you see that..


    house U Mad Bro | We Know Memes come at me bro. COME AT ME BRO

  • immm
    07-18 06:13 PM
    Now we can take the thread back to the original issue Order Of I-485 Processing.

    Back to the original thread

    With this July VB fiasco, thousands of people with the recent priority dates will be able to apply alongside the applicants with much older priority dates and depending on how the USCIS issues the receipt notices or how fast their lawyers can file, some with older priority dates will fall behind in terms of receiving the receipt dates.
    Note: Even a few days' difference in receipt dates could matter due to the quota when thousands apply in the same month

    So the question on the table is:

    How would USCIS process the cases now that many recent priority date filers were able to beat (sarcasm:thanks to DOS and USCIS!) the older priority date filers in getting the receipt notices?


    tattoo Search: Come come at me bro. COME AT ME BRO

  • willwin
    09-12 10:49 AM
    Let us continue a debate on
    a) Pros of this idea
    b) Cons of this idea
    c) Alternative we might have.

    Also, please do not get emotionally attach to an idea let democratically select that is best for the community.
    Please limit to those ideas that are executable and within the bounds of law.

    In my opinion, we should do this:

    Just send two information to USCIS, DOS, President, VP, First Lady and all Congress person of the following:

    1. 1st info should have a photocopy of our degree certificate(s). On the same page, print your expereince in years and total tax paid till date to the US government.

    2. On a fresh page, type in all the H1B/L VISA approval information and type in bold, we were wanted/invited here legally (and admitted via H1/L).
    And, mention that our I140 is approved which means the immigration department has validated our eligibility to become PR.
    Ask a question (larger font) on the same page, why keep us on limbo?

    This would keep the whole thing short and sweet. We are explicitly saying that we are legals. And we were invited here - legally. We are approved by immigration team to be a PR.

    If we could send couple of thousands of letters, I am sure it would have impact as much as any other letter we have in mind.

    We are not humiliating them, we are just expressing our frustrations but in mass. May be we can say something like, "Legal Techie slaves in the land of liberty" or "Immigration process that enslave Legal Techies". But, we should keep it short.

    As always, ignore this idea if you guys dont like it.


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  • Hermione
    10-01 09:24 AM
    Well, if they wasted more than 1,000 visas, I am going to write and call everyone on my list. Don't tell me they can't manage to appove 140K visas a year, or they are overloaded with work - USCIS approves a total of more than 1M green cards a year, so let's not pretend they do not have the capacity.

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  • kak1978
    10-20 12:19 PM
    Sent the letters, took less than a minute.


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  • waiting_gc
    09-11 09:35 PM
    Just made a one time contribution of $100. Will contribute more in future.

    Order Details - Sep 11, 2007 7:48 PM MDT
    Google Order #636782625897168

    I would love to attend the rally, but will not be able to do so due to family situation.

    girlfriend COME AT ME BRO come at me bro. harry-potter-come-at-me-ro.
  • harry-potter-come-at-me-ro.

  • burnt
    01-07 03:28 PM
    Has anyone done refinance from BOA on EAD / AOS (expired H1B & I-94)?

    My current home loan is with BOA & I am trying to refinance with them, but they say we can't approve now because of status. I locked in rate in Sept. 2010 & now I am stuck as rates have gone up. After 4 months they have denied.

    I don't know how to proceed further. They are not ready to give any letter & the lending policy. Any suggestions please......

    I got my loan financed from BOA. I was putting 25% down on 550K home. They did not ask me even a single proof of my status before approving the loan . I am on EAD. Just a thought. May be you can increase the amount you are putting out of your pocket and may be they will approve. Again, just check this with them

    hairstyles Obama come at me bro Generator come at me bro. Come at me, ro.
  • Come at me, ro.

  • jonty_11
    07-06 05:37 PM
    just like they made EB3 other workers number "U" in mid June...why didnt they do the same for all EB categries in July >?????

    Why are they still showing CURRENT>
    what does the answer to this question mean?

    06-10 12:15 AM
    multiple year eads & ap - may or may not happen
    visa recapture - no chance
    visa increase - will not happen

    still contribute??

    �I am not judged by the number of times I fail, but by the number of times I succeed: and the number of times I succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times I fail and keep trying.�

    For those who believe in this, please contribute to the cause...

    07-06 10:06 AM
    You need to change the SUBJECT also...

    FBI fingerprint bumping and checks are IGNORED for IMMIGRANTS - Can not believe it ? This is called HOMELAND SECURITY ???

    How come USCIS / DOS can ignore CRITICAL FBI name check steps ?

    What the hell on earth is this? Do you know for sure they have ignored it? Do not add masala to the existing crap. Do you understand the consequences of these kind of spiced up stuff? We all would be sulking in the security check for ever, if DHS gets pissed off or gets a congressional hearing and the authorities get lambasted over this. You are seeing how doctors are being implicated in UK and all over. Security is the most important thing right now on this planet and western world is agog over security. I dont know from where Greg Siskind and Jay Solomon got the tip off. They tipped each of their hats off and put the story in our brains to run the show. Security is not a Joke. Do not make it a bigger issue unless you dont know whether it really has happened. The consequences can be pretty dangerous to the extent of revoking all the issued GC's in the past 20 days, if congress gets high on this. I dont know what lawyers want, but my understanding is none of us want to have negative consequences of this issue.

    No matter who screwed up, we should be conveying the following message after we say that USCIS/DOS goofed up.

    "The root cause of the situation is the inability of
    a) DOS/USCIS to recapture the visa numbers from previous years
    b) to carry forward the unused numbers for atleast one year

    If congress makes the needed legislative changes to solve the above two issues, USCIS/DOS will not be in the ugliest predicaments like they are in right now"

    Its our choice to make USCIS/DOS our enemies or we get compassionate to the situation considering how arcane the current laws are. We agree or not, we have to work with them going forward. Just that they are down and we are on a bashing spree right now doesnt mean that it will be situation for ever.

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